
Life is not a bubble - its about our experience.
Explore and open our eyes to other places, traditions , culture , beauty, scenery , landscape , history , stories .... It might give us a new perspective on life, push our own boundaries and  we might find more strength and courage to step out of our own comfort zone and come back with new ideas, warmth, memory, friends .......

Affiliate Tour Packages 旅游团



Love Holidays

Mal Central 

Golden Tour World

Parlo Tours

Esplanad Holiday

Globalite Travel

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Let's travel the world 让我们环游世界


Cambodia 柬埔寨 Myanmar 缅甸 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Philippines 菲律宾 Thailand 泰国 Vietnam 越南


Beijing 北京 ChongQing 重庆 Chengdu 成都  Changsha 长沙 Guilin 桂林 Hainan 海南 Haikou 海口 Hailuogou 海螺沟 Harbin 哈尔滨 Hong Kong 香港 Jiuzhaigou 九寨沟 Kunming 昆明 Macau 澳门 Mongolia 内蒙古 Shenzhen 深圳 Sanya 三亚 Shanghai 上海 Shandong 山东 Tibet 西藏 Wuhan 武汉 Xi'an 西安 Xinjiang 新疆 Xiling Mountain 西岭雪山 Xiamen 厦门 Zhangjiajie 张家界


Busan 釜山 Daegu 大邱 Jeju Island 济州岛 Gyeongju 庆州 Incheon 仁川 Seogwipo 西归浦 Seoul 首尔 Suwon 水原 Yeosu 丽水


Kyoto 京都 Kobe 神户 Nara 奈良 Osaka 大阪 Tokyo 东京 Beppu  别府 Fukuoka 福冈 Kagoshima  鹿儿岛 Nagasaki 长崎 Hokkaido 北海道  Furano 富良野 Hakodate 函馆 Otaru 小樽 Sapporo 札幌


Brisbane 布里斯班 Gold Coast 黄金海岸 Perth 珀斯 Melbourne 墨尔本  Sydney 悉尼 Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚


Africa 非洲 Central Asia 中亚之旅  Dubai 迪拜 Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比  Egypt 埃及 Morocco 摩洛哥 Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 Turkey 土耳其


Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 Bosnia & Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那, Bulgaria 保加利亚 Croatia 克罗地亚 Kosovo 科索沃 Macedonia 马其顿 Montenegro 黑山


Czech Republic 捷克共和国 Croatia 克罗地亚 Hungary 匈牙利 Poland 波兰 Romania 罗马尼亚 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 Serbia 塞尔维亚


Austria 奥地利 Belgium 比利时 England 英国 France 法国 Germany 德国 Greece 希腊 Holland 荷兰 Ireland 爱尔兰 Italy 意大利 Luxembourg 卢森堡 Netherlands 荷兰 Portugal 葡萄牙 Switzerland 瑞士 Spain 西班牙


Denmark 丹麦 Finland 芬兰 Iceland 冰岛 Norway 挪威 Sweden 瑞典  Russia 俄国

About Us

About Willing Travel Sdn Bhd

Established in 1984, Willing Travel Sdn Bhd operated for more than 30 years and is still at present one of the leading travel agencies in Malaysia. As a renowned and well-established travel agency, we have been providing a wide variety of travel products, besides group tours, leisure packages, private tours, golf holidays, company trips, incentives trips, etc. 

Willing Travel Sdn Bhd collaborations with renown travel agencies

Willing Travel Sdn Bhd Services

We provide a full range of travel services, specializing in outbound tour packages, golf packages, domestic or international airline ticketing, worldwide hotel reservations and cruises

Willing Travel Sdn Bhd Licenses

Why use willingtravel.com Travel Agency?

🏡 TRUSTWORTHY - Strong relationships with Airlines, Travel Operators and Tourism Boards 

💵 BEST DEALS - Always striving ahead to give you the best value you can find 

🗺️ QUALITY - Our tour products are quality-assured, with unbeatable value.